If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will accept returns that are in new condition, unworn, and with tags still on within 28 days of the date you ordered for a refund. Items received after 28 days will only be eligible for store credit. Any items after 45 days of receipt will no longer be valid for return, exchange or store credit.
In order to better serve you and ensure that returns are processed in a timely manner, we require the use of our return label and a fee of $12 will be deducted from your refund or credit.
If you purchased your bella tu item from a boutique, please contact them directly to arrange a return.
Click here to read our full Return & Exchanges policy.
Upon receipt of returned goods, bella tu reserves the right to deny a refund if the merchandise does not meet these return policy requirements. Please allow up to 14 days for us to process your Return. We will email you upon receipt of your returned merchandise and notify you of the status.